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Vale of Aylesbury
Methodist Circuit


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The Toast' meets each Monday in school term time from 9.30 to 11.00 am in the hall.
Mums/carers with babies and pre-school children are welcome to share in an informal time of fellowship, with toys, crafts, toast, coffee etc.
Contact – Janet

Open Doors - Fridays 10.30am All welcome to share in coffee and fellowship This is an opportunity for village people to meet/socialise each Friday morning and have a cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit/cake. and join in board games. Contact Stuart 661987 or email for more information.

Julian Group – meets on the 4th Friday of each month at 9.30am in the Methodist Church- not meting at present.

Emmaus Group - normally meets on the first Wednesday of each month in the Methodist Hall at 8pm

Weekly Prayer Meeting – in the Church on Mondays at 8.45-9.30AM

Mens Group- meets at the church at 10.45am on the first Friday of the month. Contact – Chris Shepheard 661849

Thursdays at St Giles

9.15am – Holy Communion – all welcome --currently meets at the Methodist Church.

Get In Touch
01296 426526
Aylesbury Methodist Church & Centre
Buckingham Street
HP20 2NQ

Circuit Map

Channelling God's love to all people
© 2015-2025 Vale of Aylesbury (Charity No. 1134235)