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Vale of Aylesbury
Methodist Circuit

Circuit Mission Statement

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We are a mutually supportive team of churches in and around Aylesbury. We are all
committed to a common purpose of channelling God's unchanging love for all people in our
constantly changing world.

1. Circuit Leadership

1.1 Relationships: To build links with other churches and faiths identifying
potential for joint working.
1.2 Local support: To support local congregations to identify priorities for
mission, develop strategies to pursue these and provide leadership continuity
1.3Resources:To regularly review our Circuit deployment of people, finance and
1.4 Internal Communications: To constantly consider the communication needs
of our churches in relation to Circuit policies and actions.

2. Worship

2.1 Circuit: To worship together as a Circuit and to foster a sense of Circuit
2.2 Prayer:To encourage participation in and the development of Circuit Prayer
services and events.
2.3 Congregation development: To provide meaningful weekly worship, to
identify and facilitate alternative approaches to worship, the development of
local congregations and support of smaller churches. To regularly present the
challenge of Christian commitment and church membership to all those
associated with the circuit churches.
2.4 Ecumenism: To encourage local churches to explore shared worship with
other churches in their community.

3. Learning and Caring

3.1 Training and Development: To identify needs and to provide both financial
assistance and opportunities for personal and church growth by appropriate
events and training for Church Stewards, Youth & Children's workers,
Local Preachers, Worship Leaders, Musicians, Pastoral Carers and other
identified groups, including ecumenical partners.
3.2 Personal faith: To encourage people to increase and develop their personal
faith through Bible Study, Fellowship and small groups.
3.3 Pastoral:To ensure appropriate pastoral care for all congregations.

4. Service

4.1 Community needs: To encourage churches to investigate and respond to
the needs of their local community and new housing developments, especially
in the use of our buildings.
4.2Welcome: To provide a welcoming environment for family occasions.
Christian Festivals and other community events.
4.3Issues and Concerns: To provide a forum for publicising and supporting issues
of local or global concern, especially climate change, justice, freedom and
4.4 Fair Trade: To be a Fair Trade Circuit by all churches maximising their use
of fairly traded goods to give a fair return to third world producers.

5. Evangelism

5.1 External Communications: To explore appropriate means of presenting the
life changing Good News of Jesus Christ in the local community.
5.2 Publicity: To make best use of available means of publicity including the
external image of our churches and the practical Christian love of
our members within the community.
5.3Training:To provide training in personal evangelism to enable all our people
to share their faith effectively.
5.4 Seekers: To ensure opportunities regularly exist for people to explore
the Christian faith. To develop a church life of wholesome Christian spirituality
in our witness to each other, the local community and the world.
5.5 Chaplaincy: To support chaplaincy work in its various forms.

This policy formed the background to group discussions at the Circuit Consultation meeting
in June 2014. Feedback report (

Get In Touch
01296 426526
Aylesbury Methodist Church & Centre
Buckingham Street
HP20 2NQ

Circuit Map

Channelling God's love to all people
© 2015-2025 Vale of Aylesbury (Charity No. 1134235)