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Methodist Circuit


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For a Church to achieve Fairtrade Status it is required to:

  • use Fairtrade tea and coffee after services and for all meetings for which they have responsibility
  • move forward on using other Fairtrade products such as sugar, biscuits and fruit.
  • promote Fairtrade throughout the year.

For a Circuit to achieve Fairtrade Status it is required to:

  • support and promote Fairtrade, further encourage the use and sale of Fairtrade products and to serve only Fairtrade coffee and tea at meetings it is responsible for.
  • ensure that one half of the churches in your denominational area have become a 'Fairtrade Church'.
  • encourage other local churches, parishes, circuits etc. to adopt a Fairtrade policy. As far as possible, display literature advertising the fact that Fairtrade products are used and served there.
  • attract media coverage and continue raising awareness of the FAIRTRADE Mark. If possible, make reference to denominational area's Fairtrade status on the relevant website.
  • set up a Fairtrade steering group to take responsibility for monitoring that these goals continue to be met and developed over time.

To monitor action in respect of Fairtrade:

  • each Church is asked to include Fairtrade as an item on their Council agenda
  • the Circuit meeting includes Fairtrade as an item on its agenda
  • individuals are encouraged to remain mindful of and vigilant about the range of Fairtrade goods available.


Not everyone will buy into an idea or philosophy all the time and as individuals we may have questions about the point of certain practices.

Fairtrade is no different. There has been many commentaries and papers on strengths and weaknesses of the philosophy in practice. That said it does change lives.

What is clearer however are the principles on which Fairtrade is based. (See below)
If you share some or all of these please consider what you might wish to do in 2018 to further the growth of Fairtrade business and practices to aid workers becoming entrepreneurs.


1. Create Opportunities for Economically Disadvantaged Producers
2. Transparency and Accountability
3. Fair Trading Practices
4. Payment of a Fair Price
5. Ensuring no Child Labour and Forced Labour
6. Commitment to Non-Discrimination, Gender Equality, Freedom of Association
7. Ensuring Good Working Conditions
8. Providing Capacity Building (developing practical, management and business skills)
9. Promoting Fair Trade
10. Respect for the Environment

So what could you do in 2018?

Generally, try to:

  • remember Fairtrade is a philosophy for trading. It is not a taste: there are multiple flavours and textures available in the various ranges of coffee and tea etc.
  • use Fairtrade products at meetings in keeping with being a Fairtrade Church and Circuit Policy.
  • let others know if you are using a Fairtrade product and note any feedback.
  • visit to see how ethical a product or business might be.
  • explore how products you use are grown and or produced.

FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT is between 26th Feb and 11th March 2018
-why not make a concentrated effort to promote and try out Fairtrade products in this period.7

If you are buying Chocolate eggs, whatever the size, why not consider those made of Fairtrade chocolate. Certain lines of Egg even include the Easter story to add meaning to the experience of eating Britain's favourite sweet. Sugar and Milk free options are available.

-When shopping look for items with the Fairtrade symbol.
-If using On line services consider browsing and using ethically focussed stores.
-Traidcraft Catalogues are available via Rod Thorpe and at a number of Churches.
-remember you can get a wide range of Fairtrade and ethical products including flowers, gold, furniture, household products in addition to foods.

For more news and information do remember to:
check the Circuit Website,
contact Rod Thorpe
or Search the internet

Get In Touch
01296 426526
Aylesbury Methodist Church & Centre
Buckingham Street
HP20 2NQ

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Channelling God's love to all people
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