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Vale of Aylesbury
Methodist Circuit


haddenham coffee morning

Welcome to Maisie's Coffee Mornings every Tuesday from 10am to 12 midday.
These are very successful and coincide with the opening time of the Village Museum.
We have a Bring and Buy Stall, normally stocked with Books and homemade marmalade and a Fairtrade Table for anyone to purchase goods they may need.
There is always a buzz of conversation between one and all.
There is always space for further people to join us.
NB: The Museum open all year in old schoolroom behind the Church, except during January and February
Monday Club – Methodist Fellowship
A varied programme of speakers and occasional outings.
Meets monthly in members' homes, usually on a Monday evening.
Details from:
Mary White
Heather Woods

Other Activities
On Sunday evenings the church is used by Wychert Chorale for their rehearsals.
On Wednesdays, a Pilates Group uses the church in the morning and
Thame Choral rehearse here every Wednesday evening from 7.30-9.30pm
Haddenham History group also meets here once a month on the 4th Wednesday of the month.
WEA day schools are held in the church during October and November, March and April.
U3A meetings for various interest groups.


Besides raising funds for AFC and Christian Aid, we regularly hold fund raising events for SNEHA a home for street children (Sneha, meaning friend) in Bangalore, S. India which some church members have visited. We have recently held a 'pudding party' for about 50 people and raised over £300. Last year we took £12,000 to Rev. Saduri who runs the charity.

Get In Touch
01296 426526
Aylesbury Methodist Church & Centre
Buckingham Street
HP20 2NQ

Circuit Map

Channelling God's love to all people
© 2015-2024 Vale of Aylesbury (Charity No. 1134235)