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Volunteer Trustee needed

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The Karibuni Children Charity is seeking a dedicated Trustee who can bring knowledge and experience of successfully scaling up digitally enabled fundraising methods to complement our existing successful practices.

Charity Location: Karibuni Children,
Stoke Mandeville Methodist Church,
Eskdale Road, Stoke Mandeville, Bucks HP22 5UJ

Position: Volunteer Trustee – Marketing and Communications

Remote working possible; Unpaid role; Expenses paid

Job Description
Trustee willing to take the lead for Marketing and Communications and will potentially chair a Marketing and Communications sub-committee
Hours: Five Board meetings a year (5pm start) plus annual Strategy Workshop (Saturday);
Marketing and Communications sub-committee: frequency of meetings to be established; ad hoc work equivalent to an average of one day per week.

The Context

Karibuni Children is a UK registered charity which operates exclusively in Kenya. Our aim is to raise awareness about the plight of children living on the streets and in the slums in areas of urban and rural poverty in Kenya; and to raise money to support projects to meet their needs.
Founded 26 years ago, the charity has an annual turnover of about £300,000 and presently supports 13 projects, each locally managed by Methodist Church in Kenya. We sponsor approximately 700 children from the poorest of backgrounds throughout their education from Nursery school to Tertiary education.
In the UK the charity is run principally by volunteers, a Board of Trustees drawn from a variety of backgrounds, a loyal band of supporters, supported by two part time staff.

The Role

We are now looking to recruit a Trustee who has proven marketing and communications expertise, ideally in the charitable sector, who can help us to move to the next level through a co-ordinated and imaginative communications strategy.

Historically many of our supporters have come via face to face communications. Although we have published newsletters and have had a website for many years (and are about to seek tenders to create a new one) we recognise there is potential for us to make more effective use of emerging technology. We still see conventional communications as important but think there is opportunity to develop our social media presence, so putting our case in front of new audiences.

In their role as a Trustee, the successful candidate will need to have the following:
-Understanding, or commitment to acquire an understanding, of the legal duties, responsibilities, and liabilities of trustees of a UK charity. Acceptance of these duties, responsibilities and liabilities, and a commitment to operate within them.
-Good, independent judgment and the ability to operate at a strategic level.
-An ability and willingness to work as a part of a team and to support the staff and volunteer team.
-Understanding and empathy with Karibuni Children's vision, mission and values.
In making appointments to our Board, we are looking for Trustees who will enrich our governance by bringing different perspectives and experiences as well as enhancing the diverse nature of our team.

If you think you might have the necessary skills and inclination, or you know someone else who might, please get in touch with John Cotton, on 01296 681226, or by email at: Please also feel free to forward this advert on to anyone you think might be suitable and interested.

Get In Touch
01296 426526
Aylesbury Methodist Church & Centre
Buckingham Street
HP20 2NQ

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