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Vale of Aylesbury
Methodist Circuit


Sundays 10.30am: Service of Worship, followed by refreshments and time to chat.
Traidcraft (Fairtrade Sales)
Bring and Buy Table in aid of nominated charities
Wednesdays (Term time) 9 – 11.30 am: Tots and Toast
Group for parents/carers with babies and preschool children under 5 years old. Toys, crafts, books, messy play and refreshments.
Thursdays Term time 6.30 – 8.00pm: Activity Club
Arts and crafts, games, outings, acting, Bible stories for children between 7 and 11 years old. Maximum 20 children. NEW LEADER NEEDED FOR THIS GROUP TO CONTINUE

Mondays 2.30 – 4.00 pm: House Group (Contact: Pete Honeyball 01844 351096)
Fridays 7.00 – 9.00 pm: Friday Night Club for ALL ages
Games, tabletennis, food, chat (Contact: Pete Honeyball 01844 351096)

Sunday, see Circuit Plan for dates: Communion Service led by a Minister
Last Sunday of the Month: 10.30 am Refreshments
11.00am Service of worship
12.15 Bring and Share lunch-still to resume
#Other Activities

Prayer Pods : groups of 4 or 5 who share prayer requests and needs, helpful readings and positive news together. Contact Liz on 01844 351565
Social evenings: about twice a year for everyone, usually with a theme, always with a meal! Eg Pointless quiz, Fish and Chips, Swedish evening, Film night
#Activities with other churches in Chinnor
-Christian Aid

  • World Day of Prayer
  • Open the Book and RE Inspired
  • Chinnor Goes Wild, Eco-church, A Roche
  • Christians Together in Chinnor
  • Annual Marquee Service
  • Good Friday Cross walk
  • Passion Play

Community Activities in the Church premises

The premises are made available at reasonable cost for other organisations and activities within the village. Note that that the use and sale of alcohol is not permitted on the premises.
Contact for lettings: or text 07720647914
Monday mornings, weekly. Go Active Gold Tabletennis Group. Details from 01235 422226 or email

The premises are occasionally also used for children's parties, informal exercise groups, marimbas, U3A small groups and Towersey Village Voices.

Get In Touch
01296 426526
Aylesbury Methodist Church & Centre
Buckingham Street
HP20 2NQ

Circuit Map

Channelling God's love to all people
© 2015-2025 Vale of Aylesbury (Charity No. 1134235)