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Vale of Aylesbury
Methodist Circuit


waddesdon april 2019


On Mondays from 9.30 to 12.30 (term time only) we have a 'Stay and Play' group for children up to 4 years old meets in the Methodist Hall. Parents can stay and play with their children, there is no charge but donations are welcome.

Also on Monday mornings between10am – 12pm we have a 'Coffee Morning' which is in the chapel everyone is very welcome come and join the conversations of our welcoming space, all are welcome and all we ask cost wise is donations only. The'Coffee Morning' is on every Monday throughout the year so please come and say hello.

Our popular lunches are on Tuesdays every two weeks in the Methodist Hall:Our Lunch dates for August and September are the following: August 20th and September 3rd and 17th. Lunches opens at 11:30am and are served from 12pm, we normally closed by 1:30pm. Lunches costs £5.50 this includes a Main Meal, Pudding and Tea or Coffee. So come along and enjoy some good company and a homecooked meal and friendly atmosphere.

Friendship Club:

We have a friendship club once a month, on the first Friday of each month, our next friendship club is on Friday 1st March, the friendship club runs from 2.30pm – 4.30pm in the Methodist Hall.

Community Choir:

The Community Choir has now resumed and is every Wednesday evening in the Methodist Hall 7:30pm – 9.00pm. Donations are welcome to help cover the cost of hiring the hall.

If you would like to hire the hall for activities please contact Barbara Warne 01296 651417

The School Hall is one of the oldest buildings still in use in the Circuit, originally the chapel it was replaced by the current chapel in 1877, so it has a long history of serving the community. We are improving the facilities so it can continue to be a valuable resource for the church and village community.

Get In Touch
01296 426526
Aylesbury Methodist Church & Centre
Buckingham Street
HP20 2NQ

Circuit Map

Channelling God's love to all people
© 2015-2024 Vale of Aylesbury (Charity No. 1134235)