Public Worship – Coronavirus
Regular Sunday services are now back in church, and all are welcome.
However the virus is still very active so everyone needs to be careful ...SEE
Our mission statement is "To show our faith and commitment to God, in worship, outreach, discipleship and pastoral care. Taking part in various styles of worship, and sharing our faith through fellowship and social activities. Meeting together to improve the quality of our faith in God's word and prayer whilst caring for each other, the community and the world with our continuing support for charity and mission."
At Stewkley Methodist Church we try to be a caring and welcoming community.
We are here for each other and concerned about all those we come into contact with. We try to be involved in the wider community and support other activities in Stewkley along with a close liaison with the Anglicans.
We endeavour to give people a variety of types of service on a Sunday morning. Communion once a month and Café Church (a more relaxed family orientated service) also once a month. We have special services throughout the year to celebrate Christmas, Easter and Harvest and try to cater for the needs of all the people with toys for the very young, either in the foyer of the Chapel or on the carpet at Cafe Church. There is also a loop system which covers both the chapel and hall and cushions on the pews along with central heating for the comfort of all. We are lucky enough to have regular organists which helps with the singing of hymns new and old.
Most people stay for coffee after the morning service, catching up with the local news and each other. The exception to this being Cafe Church when we join together before the service. This is popular with our younger families.
Our work with young people and families is through the Friday Workshop exploring God through craft and play. This replaces Sunday School and is well attended, as is and our Daisy Club on Wednesday mornings, which gives Mums and carers from the village a chance to meet together with their children, to chat and make new friends.
From October to April we have a fortnightly meeting called " Mutual Fellowship" for those who are a little older. This group is ecumenical and takes the form of a speaker giving lots of information on new subjects both religious and secular, followed by coffee and biscuits.
Feeding people well has always been a big thing at Stewkley and many will know we serve lunches on the third Saturday each month. This began in order to raise funds for the extension but has become vital to keeping ourselves financially viable. We believe however that many people come from far and near to meet with friends – not just because the food is excellent!
But most of all we come to worship and commune with our Lord as one big family in a beautiful place.
01296 426526
Aylesbury Methodist Church & Centre
Buckingham Street
HP20 2NQ