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Mara's High Tea

mara high tea

Mara is a three year old little girl from Whitchurch, whose family have regularly attended our Little Steps toddler group, since we started almost ten years ago.

Mara has a very rare neurological disorder, which drastically affects her ability to eat, sit, stand, walk and talk. She has been fortunate to have had a week's course of Stem Cell treatment, which allowed her to focus her sight, sit a little unaided and start to grasp things with her hands, it also started her path to communicating. But, she requires further treatment, and unfortunately this comes at a huge financial cost to her family.
Whitchurch are carrying on fundraising for Mara Hook by hosting a High Tea, at the chapel, on the 29th June. We would very much like to extend an invitation to all you kind and generous people across the circuit.
Thank you

Can you help Richard Hook raise £16000 to fund treatment for our daughter.
Please donate to their Just-giving Crowdfunding Page:...DONATE

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01296 426526
Aylesbury Methodist Church & Centre
Buckingham Street
HP20 2NQ

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