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Methodist Spirituality and Retreats

quiet reflect nov 24

I have attended several 'Reflect Quiet Mornings'.
They offer the 'luxury' of a retreat within your own home with periods between sessions when cameras can be turned off and you can spend time in quiet reflection, prayer, journalling or more creatively as you wish.
Sit in the garden, on a balcony or in a quiet corner with a cup of coffee and 'be still'. A real blessing taking time out from the busyness of the day.

Sign up and see for yourself.

Anne Marie (Chinnor)

There is no charge for this event, but donations (suggest £10) may be made by Bank Transfer to support the work of REFLECT.
(Reflect Bank Details: Lloyds Bank, Sort Code 30 96 18, Account No. 02833113 please quote 'Quiet Day' as a reference for your payment – Thank you!)

Get In Touch
01296 426526
Aylesbury Methodist Church & Centre
Buckingham Street
HP20 2NQ

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