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Vale of Aylesbury
Methodist Circuit

SH Activities



On December 1st. 1993, we held our 1st coffee morning at Stoke Hammond Methodist Chapel.

We had decided to hold weekly coffee mornings on a Wednesday to make regular use of our new kitchen, Vestry, and toilet extension. We chose not to charge a set price, but to put a bowl on the table for people to make a donation ~ we still have the same arrangement today. On that 1st occasion, 15 people came and as it was close to Christmas we had mince pies to go with the tea and coffee.
We drew up a cake rota, and several ladies took turns to provide delicious home-made cakes or savouries.
The 1st week's donations amounted to £6.35p, and although that seems a very modest amount, the money collected over the years paid for a replacement pipe organ for the chapel, which two of the founder coffee morning members played at Sunday Services, and supplemented chapel funds. We averaged about 20 people each week, but on one occasion there were 29 present.

shmc coffee

Having put pen to paper I could almost write a book about what goes on at the coffee morning. It is such a happy place to be, and just like a family -- only we don't squabble!

IT WAS SAD TO SAY GOODBYE TO A MUCH LOVED CHAPEL but we are happy to have joined STEWKLEY, where we have been made very welcome

However the COFFEE MORNINGS continued at the local SPORTS CLUB and now, after lockdown constraints have eased, meets regularly, so do call in if you are passing between 10.00 and 11.30 am on a Wednesday.
Jackie Tooth

Get In Touch
01296 426526
Aylesbury Methodist Church & Centre
Buckingham Street
HP20 2NQ

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Channelling God's love to all people
© 2015-2024 Vale of Aylesbury (Charity No. 1134235)